I walked wearily through the tiny path between the bush, not
just because I was tired but also for the fear of uncertainty.
''It's been long I last came here, almost sixteen years'' I
thought. I hissed as I passed by a pile of rubbish which I
believed contained waste product of some filthy people, old and young. 

"How will I cope with the life and boredom in this small village?" I sighed. 

I lifted my loads and put them on my head. "Nobody is going
to be surprised, this is a village after all".

Several thoughts ran through my mind as the rays of the gentle sun stroked my
face. A sign that I have entered the village.

At the entrance, I could
see the poorly written english on my home town's sign board.
"Wellcom too Ayegbero". I gave a dismal nod and smiled for
the first time in three days.
I passed by an abandoned cassava processing industry which
refused to let go of its stinking smell. I squeezed my nose and wished I didn't have one. 

From the corner of my eyes I could see most of them looking
at me inexpressibly. "Who cares about you" I
hissed under my breath. I walked a few meters, to the house
that was described to me. 

The house was an ancient, half
collapsed dilapidated three rooms building. It was the only painted house in the village, the elderly ones must have been so proud of it. It has this fast fading blue paint, though it looked like the paint never agreed with the walls . I stood in akimbo, looking. "How on earth was I forced to be here?" I thought, "...this is sheer wickedness that can never be forgiven, or be forgotten". 

The description was the same as I was told. "JESUS IS MY SHEPARD" was boldly
written on the wooden door which looked like it would fall off at the slightest touch. I
dropped my loads, still wondering who or what lived in there, animal or human. Could this really be my family house? Could this be the place I will spend my 2 months holiday? I prayed not...

To be continued...

By Onifade Oladimeji Samson Dlog

LOVE AT HOME 1 LOVE AT HOME 1 Reviewed by Onifade Oladimeji Samson on October 20, 2018 Rating: 5


  1. Nice written, more inspiration.

  2. Wow!interesting👌
    Well done bro😘💖

  3. Weldone Dlog
    Very incredible

  4. Weldone Dlog
    Very incredible

  5. Interesting.. When is Part 2 coming?

    1. Part 2 is coming soon... Thanks for the support...
      Keep following. 🙌

  6. Wow.. This is interesting. I can't wait to read the other parts of this Beautiful story.

    More inspiration Gifted hands 👐 😊

    1. ☺ ☺... Thanks for the encouragement. You are the best.


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