Still dark, I woke up the next morning, feeling heavy and weak. The early morning norms became difficult. Wearily, I brushed my teeth and took a long bath. I made up my mind, "If I die, I die."
I sat, early that morning, in front of my family house, which was along the path to most villagers' farms. Many of them greeted me with smile. Many gave me suspicious look. Some of the ladies looked at me flirtatiously... I saw many beauty but non was like hers.
At noon, I went back to the tree. She was there, seated gloomily like a rainy evening. Gently, and quietly, I walked to where she sat, touched her on the shoulder. She smiled, my heart leapt. This, before me, is the angelic face I longed for. I sat down in front of her, held her hands. ''Don't do that to me again'' I said. She smiled.

From under the tree, to a lone room in my family house. We sat quietly, chewing in silence each spoonful of the indomie I earlier cooked. I knew she had never eaten this kind of food, but she adapted, quickly. She smiled at me once, or twice, making me forget what I wanted to say. ''You are frolicking with death'' my soul whispered, fearfully. I tapped myself, and broke the silence.
''What you said the last time we met," I started. She dropped
the spoon and rested her head on both palms. " I was scared. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."
 "I thought about it. I concluded, I will do anything, even if it demands my life. I will let go of it." 
By the time I concluded my statement, she was teary. 
" I thought you're gone. I thought you'll never come back. I thought I have
lost you. But now, you appear to be an oasis in the
desert. Oh! How much I wish we met under different circumstance."
I smiled. I was scared. I didn't show it.
"Oluwafisayomi, I am not
going to let go of you. I will never leave you for anything. I promise!. I love you." She said amidst tears. 
I stroked her smooth long hair gently, caressing them one after the other. I cried, too. 
After some minutes, I stood and went inside. I brought out three shirts and three trousers. I gave it to her. I helped
her wash her hairs. 
She was ravishing. Impulsively, I rose,  " I will fight! I will fight for you." I shouted. 
"I will always be by your side" She shouted in response. After this loud episode, everywhere became quiet. I could hear her heartbeats, "LUB DUB,  LUB DUB." 
Maybe she heard mine too. She smiled. I stretched out my hand to reach hers. She girlishly grabbed it, and we stepped out. That evening, the air was cooler. The time stood still. 

May I not be a sacrificial lamb. Orí ìyámi ma padà léhìn mi.

Written by Onifade Oladimeji Samson Dlog 
LOVE AT HOME 6 LOVE AT HOME 6 Reviewed by Onifade Oladimeji Samson on March 06, 2019 Rating: 5


  1. Very nice.
    Weldone sir hi

  2. Love is worth fighting for. Oró ìyí e á bá e lo.

    Well-done bro.


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