All to the nurse who attended to another nurse who caught sickness in the air, to you, my respect goes out. For being brave in the face of death, and the inconsistency of the nation for which you've become enstranged from your nativity. 

Here's to you who stared death in the face and laid your life on the ground for a stranger who staggered in from a pierced injury, having partied all-night. To you, my heart goes out.

The coughs which causes you don't know; sneezes that might be imminently harmful; fever that might be suspectful viral - and in the face of global pandemic; for such a stranger, that you go out of your way - Thank you. 

Sisters, who are called sisters, not because they are siblings to many but that they share the blood of humanity, and for the love that runs in their veins. And, and for the willingness to touch the seemingly untouchable. 

To you, my heart goes out.ef

TO A NURSE TO A NURSE Reviewed by Onifade Oladimeji Samson on September 02, 2020 Rating: 5

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